Child Health
Lead person:
ChiMat Local Specialist:
The purpose of this topic page is to provide ready access to regional data on maternal and child health using downloadable erpho publications and interactive web resources. In addition, it offers signposting to key data sources and useful organisations, websites and e-bulletins.

Fingertips: Child HealthFingertips is a rich and easy to use source of maternity and child health data. These pages aim to provide easy access to data on maternal and child health in the East of England. Data are presented at PCT and county or unitary authority level and can be benchmarked against the East of England or the England average.

PREview workshop
PREview workshop was on 30th September. Slides, are on the Introduction slides and Data slides

DMIT updated data
The Disease Management Information Toolkit (DMIT) is a good practice toolkit, to help increase the efficiency of services for children with long-term conditions. It has been updated with 2009/10 data and is available on:

Child Health Profiles 2011
Click here for the ChiMat Child Health Profiles released February 2011 in pdf format. Click here to access the metadata and a link to the underlying data.
Click here for the 2008 East of England Local authority and County Child Health Profiles in pdf format.
Child health profiles for PCTs in the East of England will be available later this year.

A wide range of data relating to maternal and child health and well being are available.
- Go to ChiMat for easy access to a range of key maternal and child health data sets. ChiMat is the National Maternal and Child Health Observatory which aims to pull together key maternal and child health data and present it in easily accessible formats. The Local ChiMat Specialist for the East of England is .
Other specialist observatories or lead areas of interests with APHO of particular relevance to child health
Injuries data and resources can be found at the Injury Observatory for Britain and Ireland .
the National Obesity Observatory (NOO) has a range of resources relating to obesity including information on child obesity and the National Child Measurement Programme
Healthy Weight for Children hub which has a range of resources and contact information.
Physical activity resources are available from the South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO).
resources can also be found at the North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO)
Diabetes community health profiles for children and young people can be found at Yorkshire and Humber Public health Observatory (YHPHO)
resouces including local alcohol profiles can be found at the North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO)
Smoking resources can be found at the London Health Observatory
Sexual health data and resources, including the Sexual health Balanced Scorecare can be found at the South West Public Health Obsersatory (SWPHO)
Teenage conception resources including an interactive mapping tool can be found at theEast Midlands Public Health Observatory EMPHO)
resources are available from the Mental Health Observatory (NEPHO)
- A new Observatory has recently been launched. based at the North East Public Health Observatory
Click for further information about these and other APHO lead areas .
Elsewhere on the erpho website
- Substance misuse profiles for young people

APHO Indications of Public Health across the English Regions: Child Health
Indications of Child Health in the East of England series
Other erpho publications