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   Inequality Measures

Batch Calculator for Gini Coefficient and Health Concentration Index

Batch Calculator for Gini Coefficient and Health Concentration Index


These sheets allow the calculation of Gini coefficients (G) and Health Concentration Index (C) for all the PCTs in the East of England
Priniciples and paradoxes of measuring and addressing inequalities - incl. a video presentation. GINI coefficients, LORENZ Curves

Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve


Presentation addressing two specific issues: 1) Measuring inequalities using the Gini coefficient and 2) the challenge of deciding at which geographical area to address inequalities e.g. nationally or locally - and how one approach influences the other.

Gini calculator

Gini calculator


This Excel tool lets you enter a list of values for a population (e.g. wards in an LA) and calculates the Gini coefficient and draws the related graph.
Slope index of inequality calculator

Slope index of inequality calculator


A spreadsheet tool designed to help the user calculate socioeoncomic inequalities in health within an area using small area health measures. Based on Low A and Low A. Measuring the gap: quantifying and comparing local health inequalities. Journal of Public Health Medicine 26 (4):388-396, 2004.