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Map of percentage resident population aged 75 and over (1998)
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Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional Regional
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Is published by erpho
Publication date 09 May 2005
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Is part of
  • Health Atlas maps
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KEY - Percentage change in rate age under 18 conceptions (LA partners), 1998 to 2008
Table KS01: Usual resident population, all people [All LAs England & Wales - percentages]
Estimated resident population by broad ethnic group, age and sex, mid-2004 (experimental statistics)
Estimated resident population by ethnic group, age and sex, mid-2004 (experimental statistics)
Change in incidence of myocardial infarction, adults aged 30-75, between 1966 and 1996, UK
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start of content for Coverage
Start date 01 Jan 1998
End date 31 Dec 1998
Geographical area Region
Geographical unit Primary Care Organisation
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Type and Language
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Resource Type map
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