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Who we are
The Monitoring Unit for Substances in the East (MUSE) is a dedicated unit within erpho. We have been commissioned by the National Treatment Agency (NTA) to take responsibility for collecting East of England substance misuse treatment data required for the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS).
Reports produced by MUSE and others can be found on the Drug Misuse Topic Page
If you require adhoc NDTMS data analysis please email your request to - this is our dedicated request service.
What we do
MUSE provides a range of services to all organisations involved in the planning, delivery, monitoring and analysis of substance misuse treatment in the East of England. We:
- Support substance misuse treatment providers in the provision of high quality data to the NDTMS and make effective use of that data for local needs.
- Provide a central service to all key stakeholders, encouraging collaborative efforts to improve the quality of substance misuse treatment services.
- Provide advice and support on the use of available software systems.
Visit the MUSE training homepage to download a selection of MUSE and NTA training resources and find information about NDTMS training events happening in the East of England.
MUSE NDTMS New Starter & Refresher TrainingMUSE run quarterly half day NDTMS new starter/refresher training sessions. These sessions are designed to provide new starters and those in need of refresher training with an overview of the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS).
This half day training event is relevant to new staff who need to understand NDTMS data collection and the uses of NDTMS data – including Service Managers, Keyworkers and Administrators within treatment providers and also any new information staff at Drug and Alcohol Action Teams.
The next new starter/refresher training will take place on Monday 28th May 2012.
Go to the MUSE Training Page to download the presentation from the training delivered in November.
Dataset 'H' and DAMS phase III training for all service providers- From April 2011The NTA annual review of the current NDTMS dataset has taken place and was released to all services in April 2011. Drug and Alcohol Action Teams (DAATs) and service providers in the East of England have attended training on the new dataset and DAMS Phase III.
Software suppliers should be upgrading your software systems in due course. You may need to contact them to confirm that this will be taking place. The NTA's Data Entry Tool system has been updated to enable users to collect CDS-H.
Go to the MUSE Training Page to download the training presentations and associated handouts.
2011/2012 Eastern submission deadlinesThe current NDTMS submission period is for April 2012 data. Your NDTMS submission should be made via DAMS no later than COP Tuesday 8th May 2012.
Please submit your data in dataset H format if possible.
Please note that this submission should contain all clients currently in treatment and anyone with an NDTMS Discharge Date on or after 1st January 2010. This will be the required period of data for all NDTMS submissions for the foreseeable future.
Substance Misuse Profiles 2011MUSE have produced a set of ‘Adult Drug’, 'Adult Alcohol' and ‘Young People Substance Misuse’ profiles which outline key information about substance misuse by Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) in the East of England in 2011. The profiles have been designed to tackle health inequalities by providing local comparative data for DAATs. The profiles and a ‘Guidance and Metadata’ document can be found by clicking on the link above.
Careplan Review NDTMS Update TemplateMUSE have developed a careplan review NDTMS update template which has been designed to help keyworkers capture at careplan review updated information advised by their client. The form only collects changes to NDTMS information about where the client lives and their Hepatitis B and C situation as this is the ONLY information which should be updated in NDTMS after it was originally recorded at initial assessment.
Drug and Alcohol Action Teams in the East
Eastern Region Agency Code List
Eastern Agency Code List 18/05/2011
Consent and Confidentiality
Updated Consent and Confidentiality Guidance for Staff
Updated Consent and Confidentiality Guidance for Clients
NDTMS Submission Deadlines 2011/2012
Drug Misuse Topic Page
The drug misuse topic page provides links to national policy, local reports and substance misuse data.
Alcohol Topic Page
The alcohol topic page provides links to the alcohol dashboard, national policy and alcohol reports.
Where to find us:
Monitoring Unit for Substances in the East (MUSE)
Eastern Region Public Health Observatory
Institute of Public Health
Irene Cameron
about general and strategic issues.
Paul Tansley
Technical Facilitator
about technical and software issues.
Paul Brand
about information analysis.
Louise Welford
Data Quality and Operations Manager
Louise is currently on maternity leave.
Please contact another member of the MUSE team.
Steven Grimwood
Data Quality Coordinator
about NDTMS data quality issues.
MUSE data request service
Please email any adhoc data requests to