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What works in preventing unintentional injuries in children and young adolescents?
Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional National
Short Title Injury prevention - children and adolescents
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Publication date 01 Jun 2001
Creator(s) NICE
Contributor(s) Towner E, Dowswell T, Mackereth C, Jarvis S
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Is part of
  • Transport, access and health - trauma documents
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Health promotion in childhood and young adolescence for the prevention of unintentional injuries
Social deprivation and the prevention of unintentional injury in childhood: a systematic review
Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
NICE Guidance 2009: Promoting physical activity for children and young people
The prevention of childhood injury
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Keywords injury
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Age range Childhood (1-14)
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Resource Type report
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