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Thumbnail Risks and Determinants 7: Transport, access and health in the East of EnglandA framework co-ordinating local research and action to address access, transport and health. This publication is designed to help people appreciate the complex inter-relationships between access, transport and health. This report lists the issues, refers to the policy context, highlights data sources, gives examples of good practice, and lists key references.
Written with input from colleagues in PCTs, and transport sub- groups of LSPs. Note that the PDF contains live links to external websites - EXCEPT where the link text wraps over the end of a line.


 Transport FINAL proof with live links.pdf [1.6MB] - Downloaded 1970 times. Last downloaded 08 May 2012 10:47.
Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional National
Short Title Risks and Determinants 7: Transport, access and health in the East of England
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Is published by erpho
Publication date 18 May 2006
Creator(s) Jan Fizzell, David Pencheon
Contributor(s) Jan Fizzell
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Is part of
  • Editorial page: Transport, Access and Health
  • Physical activity resources: Regional
  • Risks and Determinants series from erpho
  • Transport, Access and Health Summary Documents
Has part
  • Risks and Determinants 7: Transport, access and health in the E of E: Figures
Is related to
  • Risks and Determinants 7: Transport, access and health in the E of E: Figures
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Europe, Transport and Health
Health Survey for England Themes 1997 - 2002
Transport, Access and Health - Groups of Special Interest
Transport, Access and Health - Evidence
Transport, Access and Health - Accessibility Planning: Documents and Data
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Geographical area Region
Geographical unit Government Office
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Resource Type report
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