World Class Commissioning - Data and Analysis
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Below are some sources of data and projections which give some background information to help understand local health needs and demands on health services now and in the future.
PCT population estimates
Type of population |
Source |
Link |
2006 resident PCT population by sex and quinary age group |
2006 resident PCT population |
2006 resident PCT ethnic population by sex and ethnicity in broad agebands |
2006 East of England PCT ethnic group population |
PCT population projections
Type of projection |
Source |
Link |
2006 based population projection for PCT by sex and quinary age group |
2006 based population projection at PCT level (2006-2031) |
Disease projections and modelled prevalence estimates
These projections are based on modelled prevalence estimates and not real data.
Disease |
Projection Method |
Calculated by |
Link |
Cardio-Vascular Disease |
To be published in November |
Chronic Kidney Disease |
Modelled prevalence estimate using population data for 2006 based on the NEOERICA. It also shows a comparison with QOF 06/07. The NEOERICA project produced estimate CKD prevalence by ageband. This was then multiplied by the ONS 2006 population for each ageband to give the estimate numbers of MFP in each ageband with CKD (by LA and PCT) which was then used to calculate an overall prevalence |
empho |
Estimated prevalence of CKD and number of people with CKD (by sex and ageband) |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) |
Technical document |
erpho |
This supersedes any previous COPD models produced by erpho/apho |
Coronary Heart Disease |
Technical document |
erpho |
CHD by PCT |
Dementia |
Prevalence Ratio |
Erpho (using POPPI methodology) |
Dementia projections in men and women aged 65 in quinary agebands |
Diabetes |
Please see the Technical briefing for details |
PBS diabetes projections
2010 to 2025 (in 5 year bands)¬2000-2010 (in 1 year bands)
Hypertension |
Technical document |
erpho |
Hypertension by LA
Hypertension by PCT |
Stroke |
Technical document |
Erpho |
Stroke by LA
Stroke by PCT