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Archived modelled estimates and projections of stroke for Local Authorities in England

PLEASE NOTE: These estimates and projections have been superseded by the update released 7 December 2011.

Estimates and projections of the prevalence of stroke for all PCTs in England (2008), based on a model developed by the Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Imperial College, London.

Estimated prevalence of stroke by sex and by age band for 2005 -2020.

Latest modelled estimates of disease prevalence can be found at

 Modelled stroke by LA.xls [1.2MB] - Downloaded 904 times. Last downloaded 09 May 2012 12:02.
Format MS Excel File (.xls)
Home Location ERPHO
National or Regional National
Short Title Archived modelled estimates and projections of stroke for LAs
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Is published by erpho
Publication date 16 Oct 2008
Creator(s) erpho
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Is part of
  • Archived disease prevalence estimates
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Modelled estimates and projections of CHD for Local Authorities in England
Modelled estimates and projections of COPD for Local Authorities in England (updated Oct 08)
Modelled estimates and projections of hypertension for Local Authorities in England
Modelled estimates and projections of CVD for Local Authorities in England
Modelled estimates and projections of stroke for PCTs in England
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Start date 01 Jan 2005
End date 01 Jan 2020
Geographical area England
Geographical unit Local Authority
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Resource Type dataset
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