Teenage Pregnancy
Below are a collection of data and resources on teenage conceptions and abortion.
The EMPHO teenage pregnancy webpage provides the data shown below as well as information on data sources, policy, evidence base, toolkits and interactive maps on the subject.
EMPHO has updated the interactive maps to reflect the recently released local authority level conception data, as well as the ward level data released in February 2010, for all local authorities (Counties and Districts) and wards in England.
- A Map of the East of England showing Teenage Conception Rate (u18) by PCT
- A Map of the East of England showing the variation in teenage pregnancy rates (u18) by LA
- East Midlands PHO teenage pregnancy resource
- Interactive maps of under 18 conceptions at LA and Ward level
- England trends in u16 and u18 conception rates, 1998-2007
- Local authority quarterly ONS teenage conception data (March 1998 - Sep 2008)
- Teenage Conception Analysis by top tier LA (1997-2005)
- Under 18 Conception Rates Top Tier Local Authority Forecasts to 2010
- Under 16 teenage conceptions under 16, all LAs (2001-03 to 2005-07)
- Under 18 Teenage Conception Rates for top tier and lower tier LAs (1998-2008)
- Under 16 abortions by SHA, GOR, LA/UA (pooled 2003-05)
- Under 18 abortions (and other agebands) by SHA and PCT (2007)